Registration of a new UR44C

I’m having trouble registering my new UR44C. I can’t get past the error message “X serial number not valid” The number from the bottom of the unit is three letters and six numbers BEA10***5. I’ve contacted Steinberg twice now without the success of a reply! Any help appreciated, thanks.

That seems to be correct, same as my UR816C. Can’t help any further though.

Are you sure it’s 3 letters and 6 numbers?

In my case it’s 4 letters and 5 numbers. And I have 3 Steinberg interfaces registered. You can also check the box it came with. It should have a sticker with the same serial number somewhere on the side.

Maybe try letter “I” instead of 1.

Yes, that’s it! Many thanks. Should have gone to Specsavers!

Yeah right, me too. The 4th digit on my unit is a O and not a zero …