cubase 10.5 Pro: Score editor inserts unnecessary accidentals


  • made a full copy of the project, added new midi track, copied old midi part to new track. Open score editor. There’s less occasions of accidental accidentals, but a few still remain.
  • Took Edit/Preferences, and Score/Properties back to Default. No change.
  • Found safe mode (Held down the Windows key as well. That seemed to have it.) No change.

In fairness, if it’s just this one project that gets hit with this issue, I’ll survive. The one track I want to score I’ve already hit the stray accidentals with “Enharmonic/no”.
I do see some other odd behaviors here. One midi track refuses to assign program, so bass starts each session thinking it’s a grand piano. Have to go to program selector, move it off the actual selection and then move it back on. Then everybody’s happy. I have one other track that doesn’t appear to respond to tempo change. It was written at 120 dang it, and it intends to keep it that way. So, fine. Shut that one off when slowing down to practice trickier passages. I’ve actually seen that one before on a different project back with 7.5. Some tracks would heed the tempo changes, others wouldn’t. Oh well. That project was abandoned.