I think the FR Community needs to reassess and analyze next community priorities

1- Range tool in Key editor (Ableton)
2- Pinch Zoom for Trackpad (Almost all Daws)
3- Swipe select mute/solo on Main Page (Logic Studio one)
4 -Custom Location for User content preferences etc. (Ableton Studio One)
5 -Drag/Drop plugins from Inspector to Track header, to mixer channels of other tracks, vice versa (studio one)
6- Docked Mixer with view of Fader, Insert,Sends together (Logic Studio One)
7 - Mod key plus drag to make notes end same (Logic Studio One)
8 - Streamlined and less cluttered GUI
9 * Drag midi region to an Audio track to bounce quickly (Studio One)
10- Overlapping audio regions on same track (Studio One)
11- Project data Import option from the side browser (Logic Studio One)
12- Select Lowest/Highest Note in Piano Roll Logic
13- Selective Freeze (Protools)
etc etc lol