Multitrack Free Warp

As Cubase 11 is nearly upon us, I’ll reiterate my years-long enthusiasm for adding this long absent basic feature.

Worth repeating: Most every major DAW can free warp multiple tracks. They’ve had this bread-and-butter feature for years. It’s just what buyers expect a DAW can do in 2020.
Clients often ask me why I can’t free warp like they can with their own DAWs at home (Pro Tools, etc). It’s awkward, to say the least. This needs to be remedied. For those of us working with multitrack audio in 2020 (drum kits, multi-miced guitar cabs, etc, etc), it’s like building a house without a screwdriver.

Sincerely (like, really sincere… down on my knees, arms spread to the sky in hope at this point),
Old guy and long-time loyal/legal Cubase user (since the Atari days)

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