Logic user

Of course it’s an opinion but the reason I think that way is that editing audio in Logic hasn’t changed much since the 90s but Cubase has evolved. In logic, you don’t have the comp tool that Cubase does which forces you to edit the same way we had to edit in Cubase 10 years ago which is much slower. This is why I say it’s outdated. Comping in Pro Tools is also slower than Cubase which is why you might not notice that Logic is slow by comparison. Logic also doesn’t have clip based editing with offline processing of plugins. Logic doesn’t have hitpoint detection and quantization of multiple channels at once while keep them in phase. For example, quantizing a real drum kit with 10+ microphones in Logic almost impossible unless manually slicing and shifting it. Pro Tools has beat detective but it still isn’t that great and Cubase does it in minutes based on hit points and slices them all automatically for you. You really have to use the editing tools in Cubase to see how much faster they are. My clients notice that I’m faster at editing than all the other studios they have been to but they’re not using Cubase.

  • The comp tool is one example.

  • Offline processing of plugins onto clips is another example as in logic you would have to automate plugins on and off if you wanted a clip to have a certain effect such as Auto Tuning just one line or take.

  • In general, a large amount of functions in logic require key commands where in Cubase you can just click on it.

  • In Logic you must browse to every plugin, in Cubase you just type the first couple of letters of the plugin and it will appear.

  • In Logic there is no way to organize presets for synths/virtual instruments except for saving fxb files on your computer and browsing for them manually. In Cubase, you can save your own presets and recall them and search for them within each plugin.

  • Cubase allows individual headphone mixes and talk back within the DAW itself.

  • You can also use hit points to midi create drum triggers, something that is not possible in Logic or Pro Tools.

  • You can also use these hit points to automatically slice and quantize live drums over multiple microphones and channels at once.

  • The same with aligning double tracked vocals, this is now something that can be done automatically in Cubase which has to be done manually in the other two DAWs.

This is what I mean by you will find logic annoying once you start using Cubase. I’m aware that I would be faster in Logic if I were using it every single day and knew every shortcut but even when working with other producers in Logic that use it every day and watching them work I would often think, OMG this is so slow. Then when I make a suggestion as to ‘why don’t you just…’ the answer will always be “you can’t do that in Logic”. So there are many more things not on my list but if you just grab the demo as other people have pointed out you can discover some workflow enhancements of your own.

I don’t work for Steinberg so I don’t really care if you use Cubase or not. Not sure a form post is the way to go about showing people why I like Cubase. Some things are better just shown in person. I might make a comparison video one day but the best thing you can do is just grab a demo of it and see if you like it. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what other people think, you need to like it.