Zoom shortcuts - confusing and inconsistent

@necromorbus,@rhenn - Thank you both! Helpful. (Of course this thread has turned into a SONAR vs. Cubase thing… as the zooming issue topic has been beaten to death a bit)

I even tried the tapemachine style, and couldn’t hear my previous take. I’ll try that again tonight. I wound up just using two tracks that I could bounce back and forth from between takes. I really hope the suggestion makes it so I don’t need to do that. Seems like such a hack.

Yeah… “group tracks”. Weird. I like the simplicity of just a “buss” that you can assign things to, and has one or more sends. Cleaner.

“Rightmost dot”. Nice. Didn’t know about that one. it’s the visual ‘separation’ that I like. I’m sure I’ll get used to it.

“Charm”. Not there yet… but getting closer. :laughing: