Browsing media bay sounds crash

This has been going on since 8.5

open media bay, browse audio with auto play on

intermittently results in application freezing

windows 7 64bit 9.5.2


So is it a crash it a freeze? Could you provide crash dump file (located in Documents/Steinberg/crashdump folder)?

Can you try in Safe Start Mode?

Basically what happens is I’m browsing audio files in media bay with autoplay on

Il browse the sounds to preview and then my mouse cursor will flicker causing the application unusable but i don’t get an error message

Ive reproduced it on video to show what i mean, basically the video shows me activating autoplay then browsing samples then application is unusable

Will there be a log for this issue on my cpu?

i will try safe start mode asap


I see, interesting is, MediaBay is still searching for other loops, even when it reaches the 10000 limit of the displayed results.

is there anything i can do to completely reset media bay?

You can trash whole Cubase preferences by using Safe Start Mode.

I don’t really want to trash all of them as I’ve way to many prefs set up. Would deleting the media bay xml file do anything?


To reset the MediaBay database, delete (or rename) the mediabay3.db file in the preferences folder. To reset MediaBay window settings, delete (or rename) MediaDefaults.xml and MediaFactoryDefaults.xml files.

I join the topic. I have been using Cubase since 1996. To be honest, the MedieBay problem has been going on for years. Sometimes it is better sometimes worse (depending on the update number) but very often pressing F7 (Open MediaBay) causes a crash (the windows icon turns after pressing F7 and crash). The current Cubase Pro 10.0.60 spills very often. What am I doing wrong? The problem has probably occurred since Cubase 6 or 7. Nothing else (10.0.60) causes a crash - just that. Generally, several MediaBay openings crash.

I just throw the last crash dump because here are the small attachments.

Hi and welcome,

Could you attach the Crash/DMP file, please?
Mac: macOS Console utility > User Reports folder (or ~user/Library/Logs/Diagnostic Reports).
Win: Documents/Steinberg/Crash Dumps

You can also share the link via Dropbox or similar service.

Could you try in Cubase Safe Start Mode [Disable preferences], please?

Btw, By default, MediaBay opens when you hit F5. F7 is for the Direct Offline Process window.

Hello, I sent you a private message because here I am unable to attach files. I put to the Dropbox.

About Cubase Safe Start Mode - do I lose all settings such keyboard shortcuts, icon, color settings, input, ouput and all other preferences?

Probably the best option would be suggested delete the mediabay3.db file and / or delete (or rename) MediaDefaults.xml and MediaFactoryDefaults.xml files but I don’t know if it will help in my case (I haven’t done it yet).

The problem has been around for a long time and also applies to a freshly installed system (windows 7 or 10) and any Cubase version since Cubase 7.

The crash frequency varies over time and depends on the version.

I’ve attached a crash dump from last year


Sorry for my delay. I’m just resolveing the files now. I can see, there is really a crash in MediaBay area by you.

By the disabling preferences, you will not get lose your personal settings (permanently). It’s just temporery preferences disabling. But if this would help, I would recommend to disable the preferences. Of course, you can make a backup beforehand and copy some data over to the new preferences.

I did it :

To reset the MediaBay database, delete (or rename) the mediabay3.db file in the preferences folder. To reset MediaBay window settings, delete (or rename) MediaDefaults.xml and MediaFactoryDefaults.xml files.

and it seems to have helped. Some time has passed, I work and there are no crash.
