Better way to save projects?

I don’t really understand what the difference is between doing what I do vs working on montage-other than losing a couple features in montage that I have in the audio editor. Keep in mind I’m working on individual songs-not montages of songs. The thing I’m trying to do is save steps. To be clear-when I’m in Cubase and I go to close a project, Cubase asks if I want to save the project. Saving the project saves…well…the project. In wavelab when I go to close the project it asks me if I want to save the .wav file (not the project). Saving the wav doesn’t save a project. Maybe working in montage does that when you close? I guess it’s a matter of adding extra steps at the beginning or at the end. :wink: in any case, a lot of it has been in just learning the wavelab workflow. Saving the master section as the name of the song has worked pretty well for me.