Pool/Import from MEDIA/MUSIC/iTunes: doesn't work?

I don’t think so…my iTunes library mainly consists of MP3’s and WAVS/AIFFS.
Duendo’s MediaBay does read them, and there we have my workaround actually…

The only thing I can think of is the fact that my iTunes library is sitting on another place than the usual place. Normally it sits on Macintosh SSD/ Users/ MY USER NAME/ Music/ iTunes…

But since I have a SSD and a HD in my computer, and I run my OS from the SSD, and I have my home folder (where all my files are stored) sitting on my HD instead of the (startup-)SSD…maybe Nuendo is looking in the wrong place for my iTunes library?

Anyway; I’ve got my workaround through the MediaBay…

Thanks for your help.
Niek/ Amsterdam.