PadShop Pro getting your old rating filter settings back in7

Hi Chrisk, i got your PM message in xml but don’t know how to reply that way :smiley: … well when i was using 6.5 i was running a desk top and a laptop(desktop first) so when i installed 6.5 on the laptop (both using win7) i went into every SB file path from the laptop and replaced it with the older file paths from the desk top… that was fine because it was the same OS but now the win8 paths are different :open_mouth: as well as the fact that i have spent the last 4 days creating new favorites in CB7 this is very inconvenient… :frowning: so what i have done is put the dongle back in the old laptop open up padshops presets, set it to 5 and take a couple of pictures with my phone… swapped the dongle back and then preset by preset added the 53 presets that i rated as 5 into my new system!!! :unamused: …but thats it!!! if i go to 4*s there are 200 presets to deal with ect: ect: so FUK what a hassle!!! Im guessing like yourself, when you review new presets not only do you listen to them but you would also play with controller data to see what the preset can evolve into… this is what i spend hours doing when im not feeling creative :laughing: so ill be fuked if i want to do that again!!! Please Steinberg make this a simpler process …