CMC AI Cant Edit Note Data (Velocity, etc..) in Midi Editor

Hi, i’m an hearing impaired guy lol, so unfortunatly, ,i never could watch or be part of any cubase hangout. but maybe there is a way to reach him in private ?

Anyway, i found a “temporary” alternative ! using Logical editor, i put a shortcut for “+1 velocity and -1 velocity”, “moving selectionned even of 0.0.24”.
ii use bome translator to send the CC related to the AI knob to these shortcut, and use the F1, F2, F3, and F4 key to disable it, it switch from “changing velocity” “moving note” “changing end of note”.
and i took careful to not affect any shortcut to the Volume and Jog button, so both are still working !

it’s not great but it’s working.