Including Clicktrack in audioexport

Yes it certainly is. I guess it depends on your established workflow. I usually don’t need to tool change for it. And I often need to be able to mute the click for certain portions. For example if there’s a breakdown in the middle of a song where a singer or instrumentalist needs to punch in, yet there’s no discernible tempo, I can have the click come in for 4 clicks before their punch-in point and then immediately mute. Very convenient if it’s a part that I’m going to be rewinding and doing over many times or looping while they practice. I often find that hitting C can be very inexact if I’m trying to get exactly 4 clicks.

By the way speaking of tool change, I programmed my most used ones into my mouse and am so glad I did - a HUGE workflow helper. I made a separate post about it here: Tool Change With Mouse - Nuendo - Steinberg Forums
